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The Analysis and Design of Electronic Student W...

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033, 2020
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020 .082603 The Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability Riana Julian1, Suparman2,*, Irwan Djumat3, Bahran Taib4, Ermawati5, Nurfitri Sahidun6, Adityo Permana Wibowo7, Fadil Indra Sanjaya7, Sulistyo Dwi
Sancoko7 1,2Postgraduate
Program in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 3,4Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Khairun, Ternate, Indonesia 5Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu, Palu, Indonesia 6Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ternate, Ternate, Indonesia 7Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Received September 5, 2020; Revised November 18, 2020; Accepted December 13, 2020 Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles (a
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1] Riana Julian, Suparman, Irwan Djumat, Bahran Taib, Ermawati, Nurfitri Sahidun, Adityo Permana Wibowo, Fadil Indra Sanjaya, Sulistyo Dwi Sancoko , "The Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability," Universal Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 8, No. 12B
, pp. 8022-8033, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082603. (b): Riana Julian1, Suparman, Irwan Djumat, Bahran Taib, Ermawati, Nurfitri Sahidun, Adityo Permana Wibowo, Fadil Indra Sanjaya, Sulistyo Dwi Sancoko (2020). The Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12B), 8022-8033. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082603.
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License Abstract Critical thinking is one of the abilities that
discovery learning model and students' characteristics. The
need to be given to students in 21st-century learning. If
electronic student worksheet is designed to enhance critical
students do not have critical thinking ability, students will
thinking ability. Further research could be conducted experience obstacles in achieving learning goals. Learning towards the development stages, implementation, and resources could facilitate students in enhancing critical
evaluation. The results of this study can be used as a guide
thinking ability. This research aims to analyze and design
for mathematics teachers in developing electronic student electronic student worksheet material based on discovery worksheet that makes students understand mathematics learning model to enhance critical thinking ability. and have critical thinking skills simultaneously. The Electronic student worksheets are developed with
the novelty of this research is to integrate critical thinking
ADDIE model. The subject of this research is 8th-grade
skills into electronic student worksheet. In addition, students of Muhammadiyah 1 Pundong Junior High School. electronic student worksheet is designed according to the
The instruments used were validation sheets, an discovery learning model. observation guide, and an interview guide. The validation sheets were given to the material and media experts to assess the electronic student worksheet quality. Interviews were conducted towards teachers and students to gain information about the curriculum and students' characteristics. The data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions were drawn. The result of this research shows that electronic student Keywords Electronic Student Worksheet
, Discovery Learning, Critical Thinking 1. Introduction
worksheet needs to be developed with regard to the
Students need to have Critical thinking ability in the industry 4.0 era. The ability to think critically in the 21st-century is really important since it's related to social, critical thinking ability is not optimal. One of the reasons is the learning models used by teachers are still unable to scientific, and functional [1]. Critical thinking ability is an stimulate critical thinking ability. One of the causes of low organized mental process that plays a role in the levels of critical thinking ability is the implementation of decision-making process to solve problems, including teacher-centered teaching. Students as recipients of analyzing activities and data in scientific investigation science education are still passive in accepting learning activities. To determine whether a student is considered as [15]. Teachers must create a more active learning a good or low critical thinker, we can find out from the atmosphere and involve activities where students find ability of students to interpret problems, analyze problems, their knowledge. According to Balim (2009: 2) teachers evaluate problems, conclude problems, can explain what can carry out learning activities in class using discovery they think, make a decision, use the power of critical learning methods to make students active in finding, themselves for themselves, and can make a right decision critical thinking, questioning, and problem-solving skills [2]. Therefore, critical thinking is important to be given [16]. Through the discovery learning method, students can when the teachers are explaining in class so that students' explore and create their understanding through the process knowledge and learning abilities increase [3]. Aside from of problem-solving or investigation. In problem-solving, that, critical thinking is an important ability in life to students can take over their learning process while choose learning strategies in class [4]. From the building new knowledge based on previous learning. This explanation above, it can be concluded that each student discovery process includes the development of many should have critical thinking ability. abilities in the form of critical abilities, observation, Mathematical critical ability is a basic mathematical reasoning, measurement of numerical data manipulation, competency that is important at the level of the preparation of schedules, graphs, and interpretation of mathematics education curriculum unit in Indonesia. data [17]. In the discovery learning method, students are Mathematical critical thinking ability is not only directed to build and create relations between the important to meet the demands of learning mathematics knowledge they have and everyday life [18]. The steps in but also to know students' awareness that mathematics is the discovery learning method are as follows: (1) important in other subjects and everyday life [5]. Critical stimulation, (2) statement/ problem identification, (3) data thinking in mathematics is a thinking test, to question, to collection, (4) data processing, (5) verification, (6) connect, and to evaluate every aspect of situations or drawing conclusion/ generalization [19]. mathematical problems [6]. Mathematics is one of the One other solution needed to improve 21st-century subjects that must be mastered by students. The purpose skills is to develop teaching materials that can facilitate of learning mathematics is to train the ability to think student learning activities. So learning can form active logically, analyze systematically and critically, innovate, interactions between students and teachers [10]. The use be creative, and be able to work together [7]. Some of teaching materials allows students to understand these research explains that effective learning strategies are materials in a shorter and more enjoyable time [20]. One needed to create a well-organized mathematics learning of the teaching materials that can be developed by process [8-10]. teachers is an electronic student worksheet, while a Students can deepen the understanding of mathematical learning medium that could help teachers in the learning concepts through carefully selected problems using process is a student worksheet. Student worksheet could mathematical applications for real problems. Ability help students in understanding and learning materials development to solve mathematical problems can make independently and responsibly. The student worksheet is students think critically, logically, creatively, analytically, the most effective and simplest medium in learning [21]. and systematically [11]. The ability to think critically is a On the other hand, researchers conducted an observation form of reason in which a person can increase the on student worksheets that are used at schools. The potential to think through the process of analysis and obtained score is 65.71%. Several things that were found evaluation of problems [12]. Therefore, critical thinking from the assessment towards the student worksheet which ability encourages students to think independently in are (1) the student worksheet does not encourage students solving problems in school or in the context of everyday to ask questions, (2) the appearance of the student life. Critical thinking ability is a priority in educational worksheet is not following the materials, (3) student goals [13]. worksheet does not display illustrations or pictures that Mathematics is one of the subjects that can develop clarify the problem, (4) the pictures and illustrations are critical thinking ability. In the context of mathematics, not interesting, (5) it's not easy for students to understand critical thinking encourages teachers and students to learn the materials in the student worksheet, (6) there are more about the definitions that appear from mathematical unsolved problems, (7) student worksheet is not a learning concepts [14]. Therefore, students can be more active in model [22]. class and could complete a given problem. Based on a
The purpose of this study is to analyze and design conducted observation of previous studies, students
teaching materials in the form of electronic student worksheets based on discovery learning method to improve critical thinking ability . 2. Methodology This research uses development research
. The development procedure of electronic student worksheets uses the ADDIE model. ADDIE model includes five steps as follows:
analysis, design , implementation, development, and evaluation [23]. ADDIE model is the most popular learning model
design since it has steps that are adjusted in detail [24]. The ADDIE model development
can be visually seen in Figure 1 as follows: Figure 1 . ADDIE Model
This research is only limited to two steps, which are analysis and design. The analysis step that was conducted in this study is divided into three which are curriculum analysis, material analysis, and students' characteristics analysis. The result of these analyses was used as the basis to develop a product in the form of an
electronic student worksheet based on discovery learning model to enhance critical thinking ability
. The design step that was conducted in this research started with a product framework, learning strategies, and designing a product prototype. The
data collection techniques in this research used observations and interviews. The observations and interviews were
conducted to find out the curriculum used, student characteristics, and student needs. The type of data that is generated from this research is qualitative data in the form of students’ characteristics, information on the use of curriculum in schools, and advice
from media and material experts. While the quantitative data were obtained in a form of scores from the accurate assessment results from media and material experts. The data analysis technique in this
research used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion . 3. Result and Discussion This research resulted in the
need analysis related to electronic
student worksheets and the design of electronic student worksheets based on the
discovery learning model that could enhance the critical thinking ability. 3.1. Analysis Step 3.1.1. Curriculum Analysis Researchers conducted interviews and observations on 8th-grade mathematics teachers. Researchers gained information that the used curriculum is a revised 2013 curriculum. The learning resources
are in accordance with the standards of competency, core competencies , and basic competencies according to the curriculum
. 3.1.2. Material Analysis Students find it difficult in understanding the equation of straight lines learning materials. Students have difficulty in determining the equation of the line if the graphic images are known. Students also find it difficult to apply straight-line equations in everyday life. Students will need a little time to complete the problem when they are given practice questions that are different from the examples given before. 3.1.3. Students’ Characteristic Analysis Researchers conducted interviews with students. Researchers found out that some students cannot absorb mathematics learning well. Students need electronic student worksheet that is easier to be studied and is fun for the students. Teachers have difficulties in the mathematics learning process because of the learning media. A learning medium that makes learning more effective is needed so that students can be good at the mastery of concepts and understanding. 3.2. Design Step The next step is to design. In this step, an
electronic student worksheet based on discovery learning model was designed to enhance the critical thinking ability
of 8th-grade junior high school students. The parts of the electronic student worksheet that has been designed include cover, preface, basic competencies, core competencies, indicator, the achievement of competence, instructions for use, concept map, material, and exercises. The researchers collected student worksheets based on the steps of the discovery learning method. The following are some of the designs that have been made by researchers. 3.2.1. Cover The cover page consists of title with the discovery learning approach with critical thinking ability, 2013 curriculum logo, material title, target user, author’s name, logo, and institution logo.
The cover can be seen in Figure 2. Figure
2. Showing electronic student worksheet cover 3.2.2. Preface The preface contains the gratitude of the author to those who have helped in the preparation and design of this product Preface
can be seen in Figure 3. Figure 3 . Shows preface 3
.2.3. Core Competencies, Basic Competencies, and Indicators of Competency Achievement This page describes core competencies, basic competencies, and indicators of competency achievements as the goals in learning the equation of straight lines learning material. Basic competencies, core competencies, and the indicators of competency achievement
can be seen in Figure 4 . Figure 4. Shows core competencies, basic competencies
, and indicators of competency achievement 3.2.4. Concept Map Concept map in electronic student worksheet based on discovery learning method contains topics that must be studied. This concept map also helps
teachers to improve the effectiveness of the learning process in the classroom . Figure 5 shows the concept of map design
. Figure 5. Shows Concept Map Design 3.2.5. Instructions for Use The instruction for use of electronic student worksheets contains the process of students in solving exercises with the steps that are available in the discovery learning method. Figure 6 shows the design of instructions for use. Figure 6. Shows Instructions for Use
3.2.6. Material The material page contains a brief summary of straight-line equations material
. The summary helps students to have an initial view of the material they are going to learn. Figure 7 shows a summary of the straight-line equation materials. Figure 7. Shows summary of the material Figure 8. Shows Exercise 3.2.7. Exercise The exercises in this electronic learning worksheet based on discovery learning method contain problems that must be solved by students. The purpose of preparing these exercises is to educate students so they can think critically in solving problems. Aside from that, these exercises are prepared so that students can understand the straight-line equation material that has been learned. Figure 8 shows an example of one of the exercises contained in the electronic student worksheet. The developed product design was assessed by the validators. The following was a validation procedure for students' worksheet designs. First, the validators made validation guidelines based on indicators. Second, the validators evaluated the students' sheet designs using validation guidelines. Third, the design of the student sheets was corrected according to the comments of the validators. Fourth, the validators verified whether the student sheet design has been revised in accordance with the comments. The assessment was done by validating the product, where there were expert and media validation. In the expert validation step, the assessment was conducted to determine the validity of the electronic student worksheet design. The electronic student worksheet that has
been approved by the supervisor then was validated by the validator , lecturers, and expert of material and media. The validation of the
electronic student worksheet used the scoring instrument that has been reviewed by the validator. preface, basic competencies, core competencies, indicator Several advice and suggestions from the material expert of competence achievement, instructions for use, map were summarized in the table as follows. concept, material, and exercises. The development of Table 1. Advice and Suggestions from Expert students’ understanding is found in problem-solving and evaluation training. The developed electronic student No Suggestions and Comment Follow Up worksheet has the advantage that it can build student 1. To add the indicator of critical thinking Has been added understanding and improve students' critical thinking 2. To give evaluation problems at the end ability on the subject matter of straight-line equations. of learning Has been added This is because each indicator of critical thinking ability 3. To add more materials Has been added appears on questions in the electronic student worksheet. 4. To add easier questions Has been added The electronic student worksheet also integrates the discovery learning model. The researchers have revised the product based on the This research has limited it to two stages, namely: advice and suggestions from experts. Aside from that, the analysis and design. This research can be developed at the feasibility of the learning material was also assessed by development, implementation, and evaluation steps to two material experts. The results of experts’ questionnaire determine the feasibility and the effectiveness of the calculations on the feasibility of instructional media worksheets in the learning process. design are presented as follows in table 2.
The results of this study can be used as a guide for
Table 2. The Results of Questionnaire Calculations on the Feasibility teachers in developing electronic student worksheets when the teacher uses the discovery learning model so that N o Evaluator Position The Criteria for Quantitative Data students not only understand the material but also 1. Aisyah Nur Mathematics students' critical thinking abilities can also be developed. Istiqomah Teacher Very Good 2. Susanti Mathematics Teacher
Very Good Acknowledgements Based on table 2, it can be seen that the average value of the
product results shows that the developed design of The researchers would like to say thank you to the the electronic student worksheet learning media is in a Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education, very good category. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (Indonesia) who always The research can be continued to the development, provide guidance and facilities in completing this research. implementation, and evaluation steps. In the development The researchers would also like to say thank you to step, researchers can gather data sources, develop learning Universitas Khairun (Indonesia), IAIN Palu (Indonesia), materials, and validate product design. The IAIN Ternate (Indonesia), Universitas Teknologi implementation step is the application of the product that Yogyakarta (Indonesia), and SMP Muhammadiyah 1 has been made for trials in small groups of students. A Pundong, Yogyakarta (Indonesia) who have helped and trial is conducted to see the effect of the product on provided support in this research. learning.
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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033
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Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033
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Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033
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Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033
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Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033
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The Analysis and Design of Electronic Student Worksheet Based on the Discovery Learning to Improve Critical Thinking Ability
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(12B): 8022-8033, 2020 8033