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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 2 No . 1 Tahun 2020 Teachers’ Strategy in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement of Al- Qur’an and Hadits at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mardiah Mardiah1*, Askar Askar 2, Rustina Rustina3 1 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu 2 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu 3 Faculty of Islamic Education, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the strategies of teachers of the Qur'an and hadith subjects in improving the learning achievement of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru. The method is qualitative research, with data collection techniques namely; observation, interview and documentation. By using analytical techniques; data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. Data verification uses three methods namely deductive, inductive and comparative. Research results show that by using expository learning strategies with lecture, training or group work methods in teaching it can make it easier for teachers to control students to learn in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in the Al-Khairaat Biromaru Madrasah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru namely to increase learning achievement. In addition, the selection of media in teaching is also highly considered by Madrasas, especially Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru because it is one of the determinants to motivate students so that their learning achievement increases, for example in the form of cardboard paper written by the teacher containing verses of Al-qur'an or hadith, or by showing videos that match the material. ARTICLE INFORMATION Keywords: Teacher strategy, learning, achievement, Al-Qur’an, Hadiths, madrasah e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education
Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 22 1. Pendahuluan Teacher participation in managing learning is very important to foster learning power and interest of students, stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities of students, so students are motivated to learn better. Learning as part of an educational methodology has an important role in arousing students' motivation and interests, helping students improve understanding, directing attention to the lesson, which in turn will increase the students’ achievement rates.1 For this reason, teachers must possess and master four competencies, namely; 1) pedagogical competence, 2) personality competence, 3) professional competence and 4) social competence.2 Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) are expected to be able to achieve the goal in learning activities. That success can be seen through various indicators. The indicators refer to the basic abilities the students achieve, namely; able to worship properly and in an orderly manner, able to read the Qur'an well and correctly, able to show Muslim personality (noble character), have the ability to interact with others, and have intelligence in other fields of science. As an education labeled as religious, Islamic Education has a very important role in instilling religious 1Nana Sudjana dan Ahmad Rifai, Media Pembelajaran (Bandung: Sinar baru Algesindo, 2000), 2. 2E. Mulyasa, Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru (Cet. I; Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007), 75. values in students. The sources of these religious values are the Qur'an and the Hadith, for that students must have a broad understanding of the Qur'an so that they can live in accordance with the teachings that are explained in the Qur'an. Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject holds an important role. The teachers have the students learn and practice the teachings and values contained in the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source of Islamic teachings as well as being a guide in daily life. Learning Al-Qur'an and Hadith in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) aims to provide provisions for students to understand the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source in Islam. Especially nowadays, the role of the teacher of the Qur'an and the Hadith is very important in the lives of every student, where many students are indifferent to learning the Qur'an impacted on their inability to recognize the Quranic letters which are the guidance in saying and acting. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Alkhairaat Biromaru, is one of the Islamic-established Madrasas that prioritizes Islamic education including the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject. This subject is a daily compulsory subject because the school has a vision, it is the realization of Madrasah graduates who excel in achievement, skilled and have noble character. The missions are providing quality education to achieve academic and non-academic achievements, realizing learning and habituation in studying the Qur'an and Hadith and carrying out the true religious teachings, realizing the formation of Islamic characters and e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 23 being able to actualize themselves in society, improving knowledge and professionalism of the teaching staffs in accordance with the development of the world of education, and organizing the madrasa governance which is effective, efficient, transparent and accountable with the aim is to lay the foundation of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and the skills to live independently and comply with education.3 Based on observations, the obtained data showed that the efforts made by teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith in improving learning achievement of the subject in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is providing motivation to actively participate in the class. By actively participating in the classroom learning process, it is hoped that the material conveyed by the teacher in the class can be absorbed well so that students get the learning material thoroughly. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Teacher strategy In the process of implementing an activity both operational and non operational, it must be accompanied by a plan with good strategy and is in accordance with the target. Because 3 Evita, E., Syahid, A., & Nurdin, N. (2019). Understanding Students’ Learning Outcomes Differences Through the Application of the Market Place Activity Type of Cooperative Learning Model and the Application of Conventional Learning Models International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 1(1), 67- 85. strategy is very influential to realize the initial goals of education. Strategy, literally, means the science of war tactics. Another opinion says that, the term strategy is used in the military world. Strategy comes from the Greek "strategos", which means general or commander. So that the strategy is interpreted as the science of general or commander. In Indonesia Dictionary, strategy means careful planning of activities to achieve specific goals.4 According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, "strategy is a way or a method, while in general the strategy has the meaning of an outline of the direction to act in an effort to achieve predetermined targets.5 Strategy is close in meaning to tactics or politics. It is an arrangement of potencies and resources in order to efficiently obtain the results of a design. Tactics is the optimal use of situations and conditions to reach the target. In the military strategy, it is used to win a war, tactics are used to win battles.6 The term strategy was first used in the military and was interpreted as the art of designing (operations) warfare, especially those closely related to the movement of troops and navigation into the position of war which was seen as the most advantageous for victory. Determination 4 Tim Penyusun Kamus, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. (jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1988), 859 5 Syaiful Bahri Djamaroh, Aswan Zain. Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Rineka cipta. 2002), 5 6 Noeng Muhajir, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Perubahan Sosial: Teori Pendidikan Pelaku Sosial Kreatif(Yogyakarta: Rake Sarasin, 2000), 138-139 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 24 of the strategy must be preceded by an analysis of enemy forces which include the number, personal, weapons strength, field conditions, enemy positions, and so on. In its realization, the strategy will be developed. From the definitions of strategy above, it can be concluded that the strategy is the ways that will be selected and used by a teacher to deliver learning material so that it will be easier for students to accept and understand the learning material resulted in the achievement of learning objectives at the end of learning activities. In general the strategy has the definition as an outline of direction to act in the effort to achieve predetermined goals. Associated with teaching and learning, strategies can be interpreted as general patterns of teacher activity in the realization of teaching and learning activities to achieve the goals outlined. 1. Types of strategy Strategy is a conscious way to achieve certain goals. It can also be understood as a type or design. In general, there are several strategies to learning that can be used including: a. Expository Learning Strategies According to Roy Killen, quoted by Sanjaya, expository learning strategy is a learning strategy that emphasizes the process of verbally delivering material from a teacher to a group of students with the intention that students can master the subject matter optimally.7 7 Wina Sanjaya, Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan, (Jakarta : Kencana, 2006), 177 Expository learning strategy is one of the teaching strategies that helps students learn basic skills and obtain information that can be taught step by step. This expository learning strategy is specifically designed to support the learning process of students relating to procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge that is well structured, which can be taught gradually, step by step.8 b. Heuristic Learning Strategy Heuristics comes from the Greek word heuriskein, which means "I Found". In its development, this strategy developed into a learning strategy that emphasizes the activities of students in understanding learning material by making "heuriskein" (I found) as a reference. This learning strategy is based on message processing/information processing done by students to gain knowledge, skills and values. This strategy assumes that learning activities must be able to stimulate students to be active in the learning process, such as understanding subject matter, being able to formulate problems, set hypotheses, look for data / facts, solve problems and present them.9 c. Reflective Learning Strategy Reflective learning is a learning strategy that is conformable to the theory of constructivism which views that knowledge is not regulated from outside oneself but from within. Contructivism leads to compiling learners' experiences in learning so that they are able to build new knowledge. 8 Kardi S. dan Nur M., Pengajaran Langsung, (Surabaya : Unipres IKIP Surabaya, 1999), 3 9 Oemar Hamalik, Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2001), 219 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 25 Reflective learning as one type of learning involves the process of student reflection about what is learned, what is understood, what is thought, and so on, including what will be done later. Reflective learning can be used to train students to think actively and reflectively based on the thinking process towards definitive conclusions. Reflection activity can better identify oneself, know the problem and think of solutions to those problems. 2. General characteristics of a good strategy Every teacher who will teach is always faced with various options of strategies. There are many kinds of strategies that teachers can choose in teaching activities, but not all methods can be categorized as good methods, and not all strategies are said to be bad. The quality of a strategy lies in the accuracy of choosing according to the demands of learning. Omar Muhammad Al-Thaomi in his book Pupuh Fathurrahman said there are some characteristics of a good strategy for learning, namely: a. The integration of strategies in terms of objectives and tools with soul; b. Be flexible and has power according to character c. Be functional in uniting theory with practice in delivering students to practical abilities. d. Does not reduce the subject matter, on the contrary it actually develops it. e. Giving the students freedom to express their opinions f. Able to place the teacher in the right position, respectable, in the whole learning process.10 What is meant by the principles in this discussion are the matters of purpose and all circumstances. Each strategy has its own characteristics. The general principle of using learning strategies is that not all learning strategies are suitable to be used to improve learning achievement. Therefore, teachers need to understand the general principles of using learning strategies as follows: a. Goal Oriented In the learning system, objectives are the main component. All activities of teachers and the students are strived to achieve predetermined goals. This is vital because teaching is a process with goal. Therefore the success of a learning strategy can be determined from the success of students achieving learning goals. b. Activities Learning is not memorizing a number of facts or information. Learning is doing; memorizing certain experiences according to expected goals. Therefore, learning strategies must be able to encourage physical activity of students. Activity is not intended to be limited to physical activity, but also includes psychological activities such as mental activity. c. Individuality Learning is an effort to develop each individual student Although we 10 Pupuh Fathurrohman dan M. Sobry Sutikno, Strategi Belajar Mengajar Melalui Penanaman Konsep Umum dan Konsep Islami, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama,2009), 56 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 26 teach a group of students, but in essence what we want to achieve is a change in the behavior of each student. d. Integrity Teaching must be seen as an effort to develop each and every learner. Teaching is not only developing cognitive abilities but also includes the development of affective and psychomotoric aspects. Therefore, the learning strategy must be able to develop all aspects of student personality in an integrated way. e. Interactive Prinsip interaktif mengandung makna bahwa mengajar bukan hanya sekedar menyampaikan pengetahuan dari guru ke peserta didik, akan tetapi mengajar dianggap sebagai proses mengatur lingkunganyang dapat merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar. Dengan demikian, proses pembelajaran merupakan poses interaksi baik antara guru dan Peserta didik, antara Peserta didik, dengan Peserta didik,, maupun antara Peserta didik, dengan lingkungannya. Melalui proses interaksi, memungkinkan kemampuan peserta didik, akan berkembang baik mental maupun intelektual. The interactive principle implies that teaching is not just about conveying knowledge from the teacher to students, but it is considered as a process of regulating the environment which can stimulate students to learn. Thus, the learning process is a process of interaction between the teacher and students, students with students, and between students and the environment. The process of interaction allows the ability of students to be developed both mentally and intellectually 2.2 Al- Qur’an and Hadits Subject Etymologically, Al- Qur'an is derived from the verb qara'a which means to gather, and to read or study.11 Whilst terminologically, David al-Attar says: “The revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH in lafaz (verbally) the meaning and style of language (Uslub), which is written in the Manuscripts quoted from him in a mutawatir (continuous) manner”. 12 The revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad The definition above can be understood as the Qur'an as the words of God, and not a single word is derived from the words or thoughts of the prophet, and the editorial comes from God himself, and is assembled in a mosaic and is passed down to the prophet continuously. The beginning of the revelation of Qur'an, coinciding with the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the Messenger of Allah at the age of 40. The Qur'an came down when he spent the night at the Hira Cave on Monday night, the 17th of Ramadan which coincided with August 6, 610 AD, the night of the event is named Lailatul Qadar.13 The Qur'an was passed down to the Prophet Muhammad, not all at once. It was revealed gradually over a period of 22 years 2 months 22 days. Every time a new verse came down, the Prophet ordered his companions to memorize it, then recorded it on the sheets available at the time, such as the sheath of dates, 11 Ali Hamzah, Pendidikan Agama Islam, untuk perguruan tinggi. (Bandung:Alfabeta, 2014), 29 12 Ibid., 29. 13 Ibid., 30 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 27 thin stones, leaves and animal skins. After writing it down, the writers compiled it and adjusted it to the verse that came down earlier based on the Prophet's instructions, then kept it in the Prophet's own home. The Qur'an consists of 30 juz, 114 chapters, 6.236 verses, 74.437 sentences, and 325.345 letters. The Qur'anic verses that came down in the period of Mecca amounted to 4,780 verses covered in 86 surahs, and during the Medina period there were 1,456 verses covered in 28 letters. The verses of Makkiyah generally contain a strong atmosphere of literature, therefore, the verses are short. It contains much of the basic principles of belief and sets forth the general rules of Shari'ah and morality. As for the madaniyah verses describing the sharia aspects which related to to the rules of worship and morals.14 In reality, there are some perspectives about the Qur'an. Even some scholars assert that the word Qur'an is masdar (a verb changed into noun) which is interpreted by the isim maf’ul : maqru', meaning something that is read.15 The name of the Qur'an is because it contains the essence of all His scriptures, even all of science. The Qur'an is the "kalamullah" that was passed down to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and limit what was revealed to Muhammad alone. The first verses of the Qur'an that first came down was the reading order, this proves that Allah told humans to learn. Therefore, Muslims since a few 14 Ibid., 34- 35. 15 Asy’ari, Metodologi Pendidikan, 19. centuries ago, have been ordered to study and examine the verses of God, including nature and its contents, so as not to be left behind, then implements them in the everyday life. 3. Methodology This study uses a qualitative approach with the object of research is a high school in the city of Palu. In this research, the writer took one of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah schools as the subject in this study. The madrasa is Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru. The informants of this research are; Hadijah, the Head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru), Umi Kalsum Deputy Head student section/Teacher, Rumi Darmita, Deputy head curriculum, Hakiman Al- Qur'an and hadith subject teacher. The total number of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is 125 students. 40 students in grade VIII and IX are taken randomly; Ahmad Rafli, Hadimas, Lulu Qanita, and Irfan. Which later will give supporting information in this research. Data were collected using observation techniques, in-depth interviews and studies from shared written documents. While the data analysis is done using reduction and verification techniques with various data sources16,17. The reduced data is then 16 Nurdin, N. (2017a). Research in Online Space: The Use of Social Media for Research Setting Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System), 13(1), 67-77. 17 Nurdin, N. (2017b). To Research Online or Not to Research Online: Using Internet-Based Research in Islamic Studies Context. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 7(1), 31-54. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 28 analyzed by claiming to the theoretical concepts used in this study. 4. Result and Discussion 4.1 Strategies of teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith subject Before conducting research observations, the researcher requested permission from the headmaster of the madrasa by presenting a letter asking for research permission formally from the Post-graduate Institute of the State Institution for Islamic Studies Palu and permission from a teacher who would become the research informant. After that, the researcher immediately did the observations. At the first observation on July 24, 2018 at 10:00 to 11:30 is as follows: "The teacher enters the classroom by saying greetings, then asks students how they are doing, invites students to pray before learning led by one of the students appointed by the teacher, then checks the attendance. Furthermore, the teacher gives a little review of the material studied last week to remind students about the material. After giving a review of the material, the teacher started a new material by explaining the use of natural resources, namely inviting humanity to pay attention and use as best as possible one of God's greatness in the form of natural resources. The teacher explains and the students calmly and solemnly listen. After the teacher explains all the material accompanied by verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith and examples in daily life, the teacher immediately opens the question. After the question and answer process, the teacher asks about the students understanding on the lesson and then concludes the material they have learned. Finally, the teacher gives direction and motivation to the students to always be diligent in learning both at school and at home get good achievement. Stating closing which indicates that the teaching and learning process has been completed and students shake hands with the teacher when they leave the classroom.18 In the interviews with the Head of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru, on July 20, 2018 , she stated that: In the process of learning in order to achieve maximum goals, not only the teacher plays a role but also the Head of Madrasah so that the learning process in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is not monotonous, especially Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject. The Principal's Role Improving Learning Achievement of the Qur'an and Hadith is monitoring the process so that learning will be more effective and successful.19 The results of interviews with the Head of Madrasa can be concluded that in providing strategies to improve learning achievement of the Qur'an and the Hadith actually not only teachers in the field of study, but also the role of the Head of Madrasas, even though the Madrasah Head plays her role 18 Hakiman, Pengamatan awal di kelas VIII materi Al- Qur’an Hadis pada tanggal 20 Juli 2018. 19 Hadijah, Kepala Madrasah, wawancara di ruang Kepala Madrasah, 20 Juli 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 29 indirectly. Without good support from the madrasa head, learning activities will also not run smoothly. And very influential on the teacher in doing his job as a teacher in the classroom. However, the dominant factor is the teacher in teaching and learning activities, especially in determining student learning achievement, because by increasing student learning achievement will arouse students' enthusiasm. Researchers also conducted interviews with the Al-Quran and Hadith subject teacher, Hakiman, who stated that: " Indeed, in learning Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects at first most of the students ignored this subject. Qur'an and Hadith, usually given at the last hour for two hours. So students must feel bored, sleepy, tired, and hungry. But as a teacher whose goal is to educate the students, I have a strategy so that students become enthusiastic and motivated again”.20 In learning, students need special attention and direction from the teacher. Most of the time, when they do not receive good feedback regarding the results of the work, then they will become slow or lazy to learn. Such students are very dependent on the requirements determined by the teacher to encourage them in learning. In the effort to encourage the students, the teacher must analyze the motives behind their laziness to learn in school. Every time the teacher acts as an 20 Hakiman, guru Al- Qur’an hadits, wawancara di ruang guru pada tanggal,24 Juli 2018 encouragement and motivator. This can be effective by paying close attention to students, by providing reinforcement, etc. Penelitian pada Tesis ini menunjukan beberapa ulasan mengenai hal yang dilakukan oleh guru di dalam kelas ketika menyemangati peserta didik agar semangat dalam belajar sehingga dapat mencapai hasil dengan prsetasi yang gemilang yakni guru: This research shows a number of reviews of what teachers do in the classroom when encouraging students to be enthusiastic in learning so that they can achieve results with a good performance: a. Giving motivation to actively participate in class Based on observations, the data obtained show that the efforts made by the teacher in improving learning achievement of the Qur'an and Hadith subject in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is providing motivation to actively participate in the classroom. By actively participating in the learning process, it is hoped that the material conveyed by the teacher can be absorbed well so that students understand the learning material thoroughly. This is done by the teacher because there are some students who are sometimes lazy or do not go to school / madrasa because of many things, with this step the students will always be motivated to be active every time they come to school / madrasas. b. Giving motivation to repeat lessons in class e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 30 Based on the results of interviews with the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher, an explanation was obtained that the effort made by the teacher in improving the learning achievement in the madrasa was to provide motivation to repeat lessons and do assignments. at home. By actively repeating lessons and always doing homework given by the teacher, the subject matter delivered by the teacher at school can be recalled and not easily forgotten. According to the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher, the students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru always play with friends and spend time watching television. With this effort, it is expected that students can arrange their time to play, study and pray.21 c. Creating a calm and conducive learning atmosphere Creating a calm and conducive learning atmosphere is done by using a variety of learning methods such as lecturing, Q&A method, assignment methods, etc. These methods greatly determine the understanding of students, because without the strategies, the students will experience difficulties in understanding the material. However, if the method can be applied well in the classroom, students in understanding the lesson will be easier. d. Giving an evaluation of the ability of students 21 Hakiman, guru Al- Qur’an dan Hadits, wawancara di ruang guru pada tanggal, 22 Juli 2018 Based on the results of interviews with Al-Qur'an and Hadith teachers, an explanation was obtained that the efforts made by Al-Qur'an and Hadith teachers in enhancing Al-Qur'an and Hadith learning achievements in Tsanawiyah Madrasas (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru were providing evaluation of the ability of students. Evaluation is a process of measurement or assessment. The success or failure of education in achieving its objectives can be seen from the evaluation of the outputs produced. With their competencies, the teachers must conduct an evaluation after the material being taught is finished. According to the teacher of the Qur'an and Hadith, evaluating has some objectives. One of them is to measure the ability of students and the results of the material that has been presented. There are various options to do evaluation, such as conducting a description test and an optional test. Through the evaluation, teachers can determine whether students achievement is increased or decreased. e. Providing an assessment of student learning outcomes. Based on the observation result, the effort undertaken by teacher of Al- Qur'an and Hadith in improving learning outcomes of the subject in Tsanawiyah Madrasah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is to provide an assessment of students’ learning outcomes. Based on observations, it is clear that in the assessments process, the teacher focus more on cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric assessments. It can be done through a e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 31 written test, oral test, description test, assignment (Homework). Researchers also conducted interviews with several students who said: "I am happy with the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject because the teacher’s explaination is easy to understand. He was very enthusiastic in teaching. When I was in the seventh grade when it was difficult to memorize the material but when I was in this class I memorized it quite quickly if I was instructed to memorize, because the teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith demanded that I should memorize and must be able to memorize with verses and Hadith in the subject matter.22 By using appropriate strategies in learning, the way the teacher conveys learning material in class and the warmth of the teacher to his students, will increase the motivation and enthusiasm of students in learning. The role of the strategy will become apparent if the teacher chooses a strategy that is appropriate to the level of ability to be achieved in the learning objectives. Many factors need to be known in an accurate strategy, such as the teacher's own factors, the nature of the material, facilities, the accurate number of students in the class and the learning strategy objectives. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the strategy of the teachers of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects in improving student learning 22 Ahmad Rafli, Peserta didik, wawancara di ruang kelas, pada tanggal 20 Juli 2018 achievement is very necessary and very important in achieving the learning objectives. The strategies created by the teacher in the madrasa are strategies in selecting and determining learning, learning media as well as material and material development. Melihat berbagai strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran Al- Qur’an dan Hadits diatas, untuk menyakinkan peneliti dan mensingkronisasikan apa yang di katakana oleh guru, maka peneliti juga melakukan wawancara kepada peserta didik tentang strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran Al- Qur’an dan Hadits sebagai berikut: Seeing the various strategies undertaken by teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith subjects above, the researchers synchronize what is said by the teacher by conducting interviews with students about the strategies carried out bu their teacher, as follows: I am very happy with Ms.Hakiman's learning, the explanation uses very good writing on the paperboard so it makes me not sleepy in listening to her explanation, especially if given or shown the video of someone reciting Quran, it can make us students more enthusiastic”.23 Based on the results of research and interviews with principals, teacher of the Qur'an and Hadith as well as students, it can be explained that; The selection and determination of strategies used in the learning process is in the form of lecturing, training, or group 23 Irfan, siswa, wawancara di kelas pada tanggal 31 Juli 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 32 work. By using these various strategies, students will easily accept the lessons delivered by the teacher so that learning achievement will increase. The strategy undertaken by the Al-Qur'an and hadith teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is in line with Roy Killen's opinion regarding expository learning strategies which emphasize lecturing, training and group work methods. In a learning strategy, it certainly requires a learning method to help the teacher deliver the material that has been arranged well so that the learning objectives can be achieved maximally. Therefore, the teacher of the Qur'an and Hadith uses several methods in learning the subject namely the method of lectures, discussions, questions and answers and assignments. The selection of methods and techniques is done in the hope that students can receive lessons well and facilitate students in understanding the subject matter of the Qur'an and Hadith so that students' learning achievement can increase. The selected media in learning is paperboard. The selection and determination of the media conducted by Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is good, using media that is appropriate to the character of the students resulted in an effective and efficient learning process. Because each student has different characters, the selection of an approppriate media, will make the students not feeling bored and sleepy during the learning process. The researcher views that, in fact, any learning media can be used in the learning process as long as the media is in accordance with the material being taught and can make it easier for the teacher to deliver the material being taught. Because, basically the media is the messenger. Then, it can be conluded that the teacher can use any media that can help deliver messages (learning materials) to students. The selection and development of material in improving students achievement in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is adjusted to curriculum standards, including the addition of material, propositions and images that are in accordance with the material. If the material in the students’ manual is incomplete or lacks of some things, the teacher gives the development of material from other books, expecting that students will have a broader understanding and insight. Learning strategies are used to choose learning methods, media and material and the development in learning. The selection of the approppriate strategy determines the success of a learning process carried out by teachers and students to achieve predetermined educational goals. If a learning is not going well and the learning objectives cannot be achieved, then one of the factors that influence it is the learning strategy chosen by the teacher. The final conclusion of the researchers is that the learning strategies of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru have been quite successful. It is expected that students will have increased achievements according to what is expected by the teacher and the parents of the students. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 33 4.2 Constraints and solutions of the teacher of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith In the teaching and learning process there must be an obstacle that will affect the learning process. Obstacles are things that cause the process disrupted and not running as planned. A person's effort will face several obstacles. In this case, many students who are indifferent and less interested in the subject of Al-Qur'an and Hadith. In addition to the above problems, according to the observations of researchers during their time in the research site, lack of motivation and conditioning the less active students to be more active. Besides, material is also one of the most decisive aspects in improving learning achievement. The material must have a standard quality according to the curriculum. But if the students’ manual is still incomplete, the teacher must find a wider material so that participants have a broad understanding of the Al- Qur'an and Hadith subject. It is the teacher's strategies and creativity in developing and selecting materials. It’s impossible if students are only given monotonous material like what is in LKS. She must develop the material that has been provided so that students' knowledge goes wider and broader. However, if students do not understand the material then as an educator the teacher must explain repeatedly with patience.24 24 Hadijah, Kepala Madrasah, wawancara di ruangan kepala madrasah, pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2018 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is also very concerned about the quality of the material taught to students. It can be proved from the results of the interview above that the material presented to students must be in accordance with the specified standards and if the material there is still a lack of guidelines in the book so it is necessary to develop material in other books. In addition to the material, it is inseparable from the time in delivering the material, the very limited time becomes an internal obstacle in the learning activities. Judging from the importance of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject and the desired goal to be achieved, the time available is very less. The time given is only about 2 hours. As stated by one of the teachers as well as curriculum representatives in interviews conducted by researchers as follows: The time limitation in the learning process is an internal obstacle we face. The time used for the learning process of Al- Qur'an and Hadith 2 x 45 minutes per week, whereas when viewed in terms of the importance of the subject and the objectives of learning, the Qur'an and Hadith subject is very deep and requires a lot of practice”.25 A very important role is held by the family environment. The family is a major factor in shaping the child's personality. In the family, the child will be educated and guided according to the rules of the family itself. The child's 25 Rumi Darmita, WAKAMAD Kurikulum, wawancara di ruangan kepala madrasah, pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 34 success is greatly influenced by their parents. Parents who always give full attention to their children will look different from parents who pay less attention to their children. As stated by one of the student representatives that: “Parents' attention to their children greatly influences the learning process in madrasas. For example, if students have family problem, they will become difficult to manage, they only want freedom, lack of enthusiasm for school, even always negligent or absent from school”.26 Finally, the school environment is also a determinant of student achievement. For example the selection and determination of media are not supported by the availability of needed tools. They are still limited and can not be used optimally. Also, the teacher himself is less familiar with the subject matter or does not have a variety of strategies resulted in boredom and unenthusiastic classroom. 5. Kesimpulan Based on the results of research conducted at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru, researchers can reveal the data obtained which is certainly in accordance with the problems that exist in the discussion of this thesis. After conducting the research, it can be stated that the strategies used in the learning process are playing videos, inviting to sing, question and answer and assigning tasks. This strategy, will make it easier 26 Umi Kalsum, WAKAMAD Kesiswaan, wawancara di ruangan wakamad pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2018 for students to accept the lessons delivered by the teacher so that learning achievement will increase. The media used in learning are in the form of cardboard paper written by the teacher that contains verses of the Qur'an and Hadith, and by showing videos related to the material. The obstacles that researchers found in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru are the lack of interest and awareness of students about the importance of Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects, limited material, and limited availability of time. The solution offered to improve the achievements of students are conducting extracurricular programs and the madrasah must establish good relationships with government, social communities and especially to the students’ families. Related to the the less supportive infrastructures, teachers must be creative and have interesting strategy in delivering the material so that students do not feel bored when learning the material, especially the Qur'an and Hadith. REFERENCES Abdurrahman, M, Metode Kritik Hadis. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya Offset. 2011. Ahmadi, Abu dan Widodo Supriyono, Psikologi Belajar. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta, 1991. Ahkyak. Profil Pendidik Sukses. Surabaya : e lkaf , 2005. 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Teachers’ Strategy in Improving Students’ Learning Achievement of Al- Qur’an and Hadits at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mardiah Mardiah1*, Askar Askar 2, Rustina
1 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu 2 Islamic Education Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu 3 Faculty of Islamic Education, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the strategies of
teachers of the Qur'an and hadith subjects in improving the learning achievement of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru. The method is
qualitative research , with data collection techniques namely; observation, interview and documentation . By using analytical techniques ; data collection, data reduction, data presentation and
data verification. Data verification uses three methods namely deductive, inductive and comparative. Research results show that by using expository learning strategies with lecture, training or group work methods in teaching it can make it easier for teachers to control students to learn
in accordance with the objectives to be achieved in the
Al-Khairaat Biromaru Madrasah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru namely to increase learning achievement. In addition, the selection of media in teaching is also highly considered by Madrasas, especially Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru because it is one of the determinants to motivate students so that their learning achievement increases, for example in the form of cardboard paper written by the teacher containing verses of Al-qur'an or hadith, or by showing videos that match the material. ARTICLE INFORMATION Keywords: Teacher strategy, learning, achievement, Al-Qur’an, Hadiths, madrasah e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 22 1. Pendahuluan Teacher participation in managing learning is very important to foster learning power and interest of students, stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities of students, so students are motivated to learn better. Learning as part of an educational methodology has an important role in arousing students' motivation and interests, helping students improve understanding, directing attention to the lesson, which in turn will increase the students’ achievement rates.1 For this reason, teachers must possess and master four competencies,
namely; 1 ) pedagogical competence, 2) personality competence, 3) professional competence and 4) social competence
.2 Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) are expected to be able to achieve the goal in learning activities. That success can be seen through various indicators. The indicators refer to the basic abilities the students achieve, namely; able to worship properly and in an orderly manner, able to read the Qur'an well and correctly, able to show Muslim personality (noble character), have the ability to interact with others, and have intelligence in other fields of science. As an education labeled as religious, Islamic Education has a very important role in instilling religious 1Nana
Sudjana dan Ahmad Rifai, Media Pembelajaran (Bandung: Sinar baru Algesindo, 2000
), 2. 2E.
Mulyasa, Standar Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi Guru (Cet. I; Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007
), 75. values in students. The sources of these religious values are the Qur'an and the Hadith, for that students must have a broad understanding of the Qur'an so that they can live in accordance with the teachings that are explained in the Qur'an. Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject holds an important role. The teachers have the students learn and practice the teachings and values contained in the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source of Islamic teachings as well as being a guide in daily life. Learning Al-Qur'an and Hadith in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) aims to provide provisions for students to understand the Qur'an and Hadith as the main source in Islam. Especially nowadays, the role of the teacher of the Qur'an and the Hadith is very important in the lives of every student, where many students are indifferent to learning the Qur'an impacted on their inability to recognize the Quranic letters which are the guidance in saying and acting. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Alkhairaat Biromaru, is one of the Islamic-established Madrasas that prioritizes Islamic education including the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject. This subject is a daily compulsory subject because the school has a vision, it is the realization of Madrasah graduates who excel in achievement, skilled and have noble character. The missions are providing quality education to achieve academic and non-academic achievements, realizing learning and habituation in studying the Qur'an and Hadith and carrying out the true religious teachings, realizing the formation of Islamic characters and e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 23 being able to actualize themselves in society, improving knowledge and professionalism of the teaching staffs in accordance with the development of the world of education, and organizing the madrasa governance which is effective, efficient, transparent and accountable with the aim
is to lay the foundation of intelligence, knowledge, personality, noble character, and the skills to live independently and comply with education
.3 Based on observations, the obtained data showed that the efforts made by teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith in improving learning achievement of the subject in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is providing motivation to actively participate in the class. By actively participating in the classroom learning process, it is hoped that the material conveyed by the teacher in the class can be absorbed well so that students get the learning material thoroughly. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Teacher strategy
In the process of implementing an activity both operational and non operational, it must be accompanied by a plan with good strategy and is in accordance with the target
. Because 3
Evita, E., Syahid, A., & Nurdin, N. (2019). Understanding Students’ Learning Outcomes Differences Through the Application of the Market Place Activity Type of Cooperative Learning Model and the Application of Conventional Learning Models International
Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education, 1(1), 67- 85. strategy is very influential to realize the initial goals of education. Strategy, literally, means the science of war tactics. Another opinion says that, the term strategy is used in the military world. Strategy comes from the Greek "strategos", which means general or commander. So that the strategy is interpreted as the science of general or commander. In Indonesia Dictionary, strategy means careful planning of activities to achieve specific goals.4 According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, "
strategy is a way or a method , while in general the strategy has the meaning of an outline of the direction to act in an effort to achieve predetermined targets .5 Strategy is close in meaning to tactics or politics . It is an arrangement of potencies and resources in order to efficiently obtain the results of a design . Tactics is the optimal use of situations and conditions to reach the
target. In the military strategy, it is used to win a war, tactics are used to win battles.6 The term strategy was first used in the military and was interpreted as the art of designing (operations) warfare, especially those closely related to the movement of troops and navigation into the position of war which was seen as the most advantageous for victory. Determination 4
Tim Penyusun Kamus, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. (jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1988
), 859 5
Syaiful Bahri Djamaroh, Aswan Zain. Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Rineka cipta. 2002), 5 6 Noeng Muhajir, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Perubahan Sosial: Teori Pendidikan Pelaku Sosial Kreatif(Yogyakarta: Rake Sarasin, 2000), 138-139
e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 24 of the strategy must be preceded by an analysis of enemy forces which include the number, personal, weapons strength, field conditions, enemy positions, and so on. In its realization, the strategy will be developed. From the definitions of strategy above, it can be concluded that the strategy is the ways that will be selected and used by a teacher to deliver learning material so that it will be easier for students to accept and understand the learning material resulted in the achievement of learning objectives at the end
of learning activities. In general the strategy has the definition as an outline
direction to act in the effort to achieve predetermined goals. Associated with teaching and learning, strategies can be interpreted as general patterns of teacher activity in the realization of teaching and learning activities to achieve the goals outlined
. 1. Types of strategy Strategy is a conscious way to achieve certain goals. It can also be understood as a type or design. In general, there are several strategies to learning that can be used including: a. Expository Learning Strategies According to Roy Killen, quoted by Sanjaya,
expository learning strategy is a learning strategy that emphasizes the process of verbally delivering material from a teacher to a group of students with the intention that students can master the subject matter optimally
7 7 Wina Sanjaya, Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan, (Jakarta : Kencana, 2006
), 177 Expository learning strategy is one of the teaching strategies
that helps students learn basic skills and obtain information that can be taught step by step. This expository learning strategy is
specifically designed to support the learning process of students relating to
procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge that is well structured , which can be taught gradually, step by step
.8 b. Heuristic Learning Strategy Heuristics comes from the Greek word heuriskein, which means "I Found". In its development, this strategy developed into a learning strategy that emphasizes the activities of students in understanding learning material by making "heuriskein" (I found) as a reference. This learning strategy is based on message processing/information processing done by students to gain knowledge, skills and values. This strategy assumes that learning activities must be able to stimulate students to be active in the learning process, such as understanding subject matter, being able to formulate problems, set hypotheses, look for data / facts, solve problems and present them.9 c. Reflective Learning Strategy Reflective learning is a learning strategy that is conformable to the theory of constructivism which views that knowledge is not regulated from outside oneself but from within. Contructivism leads to compiling learners' experiences in learning so that they are able to build new knowledge.
8 Kardi S. dan Nur M., Pengajaran Langsung, (Surabaya : Unipres IKIP Surabaya, 1999
3 9 Oemar Hamalik, Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2001
), 219 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 25 Reflective learning as one type of learning involves the process of student reflection about what is learned, what is understood, what is thought, and so on, including what will be done later. Reflective learning can be used to train students to think actively and reflectively based on the thinking process towards definitive conclusions. Reflection activity can better identify oneself, know the problem and think of solutions to those problems. 2. General characteristics of a good strategy Every teacher who will teach is always faced with various options of strategies. There are many kinds of strategies that teachers can choose in teaching activities, but not all methods can be categorized as good methods, and not all strategies are said to be bad. The quality of a strategy lies in the accuracy of choosing according to the demands of learning. Omar Muhammad Al-Thaomi in his book Pupuh Fathurrahman said there are some characteristics of a good strategy for learning, namely: a. The integration of strategies in terms of objectives and tools with soul; b. Be flexible and has power according to character c. Be functional in uniting theory with practice in delivering students to practical abilities. d. Does not reduce the subject matter, on the contrary it actually develops it. e. Giving the students freedom to express their opinions f. Able to place the teacher in the right position, respectable, in the whole learning process.10 What is meant by the principles in this discussion are the matters of purpose and all circumstances. Each strategy has its own characteristics. The general principle of using learning strategies is that not all learning strategies are suitable to be used to improve learning achievement. Therefore, teachers need to understand the general principles of using learning strategies as follows: a.
Goal Oriented In the learning system , objectives are the main component. All activities of teachers and the students are strived to achieve predetermined goals
. This is vital
because teaching is a process with goal. Therefore the success of a learning strategy can be determined from the success of students achieving learning goals
. b. Activities
Learning is not memorizing a number of facts or information. Learning is doing ; memorizing certain experiences
according to
expected goals. Therefore, learning strategies must be able to encourage physical activity of students . Activity is not intended to be limited to physical activity, but also includes psychological activities such as mental activity
. c. Individuality Learning
is an effort to develop each individual student Although we
10 Pupuh Fathurrohman dan M. Sobry Sutikno, Strategi Belajar Mengajar Melalui Penanaman Konsep Umum dan Konsep Islami, (Bandung: PT Refika Aditama,2009
), 56 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 26 teach
a group of students , but in essence what we want to achieve is a change in the behavior of each student
. d. Integrity
Teaching must be seen as an effort to develop each and
every learner. Teaching is not only developing cognitive abilities but also includes the development of affective and psychomotoric
aspects. Therefore, the learning strategy must be able to develop all aspects of student personality in an integrated
way. e. Interactive
Prinsip interaktif mengandung makna bahwa mengajar bukan hanya sekedar menyampaikan pengetahuan dari guru ke peserta didik, akan tetapi mengajar dianggap sebagai proses mengatur lingkunganyang dapat merangsang peserta didik untuk belajar. Dengan demikian, proses pembelajaran merupakan poses interaksi baik antara guru dan Peserta didik, antara Peserta didik , dengan Peserta didik,, maupun antara Peserta didik, dengan lingkungannya. Melalui proses interaksi, memungkinkan kemampuan peserta didik, akan berkembang baik mental maupun intelektual
. The interactive principle implies
that teaching is not just about conveying knowledge from the teacher to students, but it is considered as a process of regulating the environment which can stimulate students to learn. Thus, the learning process is a process of interaction between the teacher and students
, students with students, and between students and the environment. The process of interaction allows the ability of students to be developed both mentally and intellectually 2.2 Al- Qur’an and Hadits Subject Etymologically, Al- Qur'an is derived from the verb qara'a which means to gather, and to read or study.11 Whilst terminologically, David al-Attar says: “The revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH in lafaz (verbally) the meaning and style of language (Uslub), which is written in the Manuscripts quoted from him in a mutawatir (continuous) manner”. 12 The revelation of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad The definition above can be understood as the Qur'an as the words of God, and not a single word is derived from the words or thoughts of the prophet, and the editorial comes from God himself, and is assembled in a mosaic and is passed down to the prophet continuously. The beginning of the revelation of Qur'an, coinciding with the appointment of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the Messenger of Allah at the age of 40. The Qur'an came down when he spent the night at the Hira Cave on Monday night, the 17th of Ramadan which coincided with August 6, 610 AD, the night of the event is named Lailatul Qadar.13 The Qur'an was passed down to the Prophet Muhammad, not all at once. It
was revealed gradually over a period of 22 years 2 months 22 days
. Every time a new verse came down, the Prophet ordered his companions to memorize it, then recorded it on the sheets available at the time, such as the sheath of dates, 11
Ali Hamzah, Pendidikan Agama Islam, untuk perguruan tinggi. (Bandung:Alfabeta, 2014 ), 29 12 Ibid., 29
. 13 Ibid., 30 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 27 thin stones, leaves and animal skins. After writing it down, the writers compiled it and adjusted it to the verse that came down earlier based on the Prophet's instructions, then kept it in the Prophet's own home. The Qur'an consists of 30 juz, 114 chapters, 6.236 verses, 74.437 sentences, and 325.345 letters. The Qur'anic verses that came down in the period of Mecca amounted to 4,780 verses covered in 86 surahs, and during the Medina period there were 1,456 verses covered in 28 letters. The verses of Makkiyah generally contain a strong atmosphere of literature, therefore, the verses are short. It contains much of the basic principles of belief and sets forth the general rules of Shari'ah and morality. As for the madaniyah verses describing the sharia aspects which related to to the rules of worship and morals.14 In reality, there are some perspectives about the Qur'an. Even some scholars assert that the word Qur'an is masdar (a verb changed into noun) which is interpreted by the isim maf’ul : maqru', meaning something that is read.15 The name of the Qur'an is because it contains the essence of all His scriptures, even all of science. The Qur'an is the "kalamullah" that was passed down to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and limit what was revealed to Muhammad alone. The first verses of the Qur'an that first came down was the reading order, this proves that Allah told humans to learn. Therefore, Muslims since a few 14 Ibid., 34- 35. 15 Asy’ari, Metodologi Pendidikan, 19. centuries ago, have been ordered to study and examine the verses of God, including nature and its contents, so as not to be left behind, then implements them in the everyday life.
3. Methodology This study uses a qualitative approach with the object of research is a high school in the city of Palu. In this research, the writer took one of the
Madrasah Tsanawiyah schools as the subject in this study. The madrasa is Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru. The informants of this research are; Hadijah, the Head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru), Umi Kalsum Deputy Head student section/Teacher, Rumi Darmita, Deputy head curriculum, Hakiman Al- Qur'an and hadith subject teacher. The total number of students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is 125 students. 40 students in grade VIII and IX are taken randomly; Ahmad Rafli, Hadimas, Lulu Qanita, and Irfan. Which later will give supporting information in this research.
Data were collected using observation techniques, in-depth interviews and studies from shared written documents. While the data analysis is done using reduction and verification techniques with various data sources16,17. The reduced data
is then 16 Nurdin, N. (2017a). Research in Online Space: The Use of Social Media for Research Setting Jurnal Sistem Informasi (Journal of Information System), 13(1), 67-77. 17 Nurdin, N. (2017b). To Research Online or Not to Research Online: Using Internet-Based Research in Islamic Studies Context. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 7(1), 31-54. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
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Tahun 2019 28
analyzed by claiming to the theoretical concepts used in this study. 4. Result and Discussion 4.1 Strategies of
teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith subject Before conducting research observations, the researcher requested permission from the headmaster of the madrasa by presenting a letter asking for research permission formally from the Post-graduate Institute of the State Institution for Islamic Studies Palu and permission from a teacher who would become the research informant. After that, the researcher immediately did the observations. At the first observation on July 24, 2018 at 10:00 to 11:30 is as follows: "The teacher enters the classroom by saying greetings, then asks students how they are doing, invites students to pray before learning led by one of the students appointed by the teacher, then checks the attendance. Furthermore, the teacher gives a little review of the material studied last week to remind students about the material. After giving a review of the material, the teacher started a new material by explaining the use of natural resources, namely inviting humanity to pay attention and use as best as possible one of God's greatness in the form of natural resources. The teacher explains and the students calmly and solemnly listen. After the teacher explains all the material accompanied by verses from the Qur'an and the Hadith and examples in daily life, the teacher immediately opens the question. After the question and answer process, the teacher asks about the students understanding on the lesson and then concludes the material they have learned. Finally, the teacher gives direction and motivation to the students to always be diligent in learning both at school and at home get good achievement. Stating closing which indicates that the teaching and learning process has been completed and students shake hands with the teacher when they leave the classroom.18 In the interviews with the Head of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru, on July 20, 2018 , she stated that: In the process of learning in order to achieve maximum goals, not only the teacher plays a role but also the Head of Madrasah so that the learning process in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is not monotonous, especially Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject. The Principal's Role Improving Learning Achievement of the Qur'an and Hadith is monitoring the process so that learning will be more effective and successful.19 The results of interviews with the Head of Madrasa can be concluded that in providing strategies to improve learning achievement of the Qur'an and the Hadith actually not only teachers in the field of study, but also the role of the Head of Madrasas, even though the Madrasah Head plays her role 18 Hakiman, Pengamatan awal di kelas VIII materi Al- Qur’an Hadis pada tanggal 20 Juli 2018. 19 Hadijah, Kepala Madrasah, wawancara di ruang Kepala Madrasah, 20 Juli 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439 International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol. 2 No. 1 Tahun 2019 29 indirectly. Without good support from the madrasa head, learning activities will also not run smoothly. And very influential on the teacher in doing his job as a teacher in the classroom. However, the dominant factor is the teacher in teaching and learning activities, especially in determining student learning achievement, because by increasing student learning achievement will arouse students' enthusiasm. Researchers also conducted interviews with the Al-Quran and Hadith subject teacher, Hakiman, who stated that: " Indeed, in learning Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects at first most of the students ignored this subject. Qur'an and Hadith, usually given at the last hour for two hours. So students must feel bored, sleepy, tired, and hungry. But as a teacher whose goal is to educate the students, I have a strategy so that students become enthusiastic and motivated again”.20 In learning, students need special attention and direction from the teacher. Most of the time, when they do not receive good feedback regarding the results of the work, then they will become slow or lazy to learn. Such students are very dependent on the requirements determined by the teacher to encourage them in learning. In the effort to encourage the students, the teacher must analyze the motives behind their laziness to learn in school. Every time the teacher acts as an 20 Hakiman, guru Al- Qur’an hadits, wawancara di ruang guru pada tanggal,24 Juli 2018 encouragement and motivator. This can be effective by paying close attention to students, by providing reinforcement, etc. Penelitian pada Tesis ini menunjukan beberapa ulasan mengenai hal yang dilakukan oleh guru di dalam kelas ketika menyemangati peserta didik agar semangat dalam belajar sehingga dapat mencapai hasil dengan prsetasi yang gemilang yakni guru: This research shows a number of reviews of what teachers do in the classroom when encouraging students to be enthusiastic in learning so that they can achieve results with a good performance: a. Giving motivation to actively participate in class Based on observations, the data obtained show that the efforts made by the teacher in improving learning achievement of the Qur'an and Hadith subject in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is providing motivation to actively participate in the classroom. By actively participating in the learning process, it is hoped that the material conveyed by the teacher can be absorbed well so that students understand the learning material thoroughly. This is done by the teacher because there are some students who are sometimes lazy or do not go to school / madrasa because of many things, with this step the students will always be motivated to be active every time they come to school / madrasas. b. Giving motivation to repeat lessons in class e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 30 Based on the results of interviews with the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher, an explanation was obtained that the effort made by the teacher in improving the learning achievement in the madrasa was to provide motivation to repeat lessons and do assignments. at home. By actively repeating lessons and always doing homework given by the teacher, the subject matter delivered by the teacher at school can be recalled and not easily forgotten. According to the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher, the students in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru always play with friends and spend time watching television. With this effort, it is expected that students can arrange their time to play, study and pray.21 c. Creating a calm and conducive learning atmosphere Creating a calm and conducive learning atmosphere is done by using a variety of learning methods such as lecturing, Q&A method, assignment methods, etc. These methods greatly determine the understanding of students, because without the strategies, the students will experience difficulties in understanding the material. However, if the method can be applied well in the classroom, students in understanding the lesson will be easier. d. Giving an evaluation of the ability of students 21 Hakiman, guru Al- Qur’an dan Hadits,
wawancara di ruang guru pada tanggal , 22 Juli 2018 Based on the
results of interviews with Al-Qur'an and Hadith teachers, an explanation was obtained that the efforts made by Al-Qur'an and Hadith teachers in enhancing Al-Qur'an and Hadith learning achievements in Tsanawiyah Madrasas (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru were providing evaluation of the ability of students. Evaluation is a process of measurement or assessment. The success or failure of education in achieving its objectives can be seen from the evaluation of the outputs produced. With their competencies, the teachers must conduct an evaluation after the material being taught is finished. According to the teacher of the Qur'an and Hadith, evaluating has some objectives. One of them is to measure the ability of students and the results of the material that has been presented. There are various options to do evaluation, such as conducting a description test and an optional test. Through the evaluation, teachers can determine whether students achievement is increased or decreased. e. Providing an assessment of student learning outcomes. Based on the observation result, the effort undertaken by teacher of Al- Qur'an and Hadith in improving learning outcomes of the subject in Tsanawiyah Madrasah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is to provide an assessment of students’ learning outcomes. Based on observations, it is clear that in the assessments process, the teacher focus more on cognitive, affective, and psychomotoric assessments. It can be done through a e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 31 written test, oral test, description test, assignment (Homework). Researchers also conducted interviews with several students who said: "I am happy with the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject because the teacher’s explaination is easy to understand. He was very enthusiastic in teaching. When I was in the seventh grade when it was difficult to memorize the material but when I was in this class I memorized it quite quickly if I was instructed to memorize, because the teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith demanded that I should memorize and must be able to memorize with verses and Hadith in the subject matter.22 By using appropriate strategies in learning, the way the teacher conveys learning material in class and the warmth of the teacher to his students, will increase the motivation and enthusiasm of students in learning. The role of the strategy will become apparent if the teacher chooses a strategy that is appropriate to the level of ability to be achieved in the learning objectives. Many factors need to be known in an accurate strategy, such as the teacher's own factors, the nature of the material, facilities, the accurate number of students in the class and the learning strategy objectives. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the strategy of the teachers of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects in improving student learning 22 Ahmad Rafli, Peserta didik, wawancara di ruang kelas, pada tanggal 20 Juli 2018 achievement is very necessary and very important in achieving the learning objectives. The strategies created by the teacher in the madrasa are strategies in selecting and determining learning, learning media as well as material and material development. Melihat berbagai strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran Al- Qur’an dan Hadits diatas, untuk menyakinkan peneliti dan mensingkronisasikan apa yang di katakana oleh guru, maka peneliti juga melakukan wawancara kepada peserta didik tentang strategi yang dilakukan oleh guru mata pelajaran Al- Qur’an dan Hadits sebagai berikut: Seeing the various strategies undertaken by teachers of the Qur'an and Hadith subjects above, the researchers synchronize what is said by the teacher by conducting interviews with students about the strategies carried out bu their teacher, as follows: I am very happy with Ms.Hakiman's learning, the explanation uses very good writing on the paperboard so it makes me not sleepy in listening to her explanation, especially if given or shown the video of someone reciting Quran, it can make us students more enthusiastic”.23 Based on the results of research and interviews with principals, teacher of the Qur'an and Hadith as well as students, it can be explained that; The selection and determination of strategies used
in the learning process is in the form of lecturing, training, or
group 23 Irfan, siswa, wawancara di kelas pada tanggal 31 Juli 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 32 work. By using these various strategies, students will easily accept the lessons delivered by the teacher so that learning achievement will increase. The strategy undertaken by the Al-Qur'an and hadith teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is in line with Roy Killen's opinion regarding expository learning strategies which emphasize lecturing, training and group work methods. In a learning strategy, it certainly requires a learning method to help the teacher deliver the material that has been arranged well
so that the learning objectives can be achieved maximally. Therefore, the teacher of
the Qur'an and Hadith uses several methods in learning the subject namely the method of lectures, discussions, questions and answers and assignments. The selection of methods and techniques is done in the hope that students can receive lessons well and facilitate students in understanding the subject matter of the Qur'an and Hadith so that students' learning achievement can increase. The selected media in learning is paperboard. The selection and determination of the media conducted by Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is good, using media that is appropriate to the character of the students resulted in an effective and efficient learning process. Because each student has different characters, the selection of an approppriate media, will make the students not feeling bored and sleepy during the learning process. The researcher views that, in fact, any learning media can be used in the learning process as long as the media is in accordance with the material being taught and can make it easier for the teacher to deliver the material being taught. Because, basically the media is the messenger. Then, it can be conluded that the teacher can use any media that can help deliver messages (learning materials) to students. The selection and development of material in improving students achievement in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru is adjusted to curriculum standards, including the addition of material, propositions and images that are in accordance with the material. If the material in the students’ manual is incomplete or lacks of some things, the teacher gives the development of material from other books, expecting that students will have a broader understanding and insight. Learning strategies are used to choose learning methods, media and material and the development in learning. The selection of the approppriate strategy determines the success of a learning process carried out by teachers and students to achieve predetermined educational goals. If a learning is not going well and the learning objectives cannot be achieved, then
one of the factors that influence it is the learning strategy chosen by the
teacher. The final conclusion of the researchers is that the learning strategies of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith teacher in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru have been quite successful. It is expected that students will have increased achievements according to what is expected by the teacher and the parents of the students. e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
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Tahun 2019 33 4.2 Constraints and solutions of the teacher of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith In the teaching and learning process there must be an obstacle that will affect the learning process. Obstacles are things that cause the process disrupted and not running as planned. A person's effort will face several obstacles.
In this case , many students who are indifferent and less interested in the subject of
Al-Qur'an and Hadith. In addition to the above problems, according to the observations of researchers during their time in the research site, lack of motivation and conditioning the less active students to be more active. Besides, material is also one of the most decisive aspects in improving learning achievement. The material must have a standard quality according to the curriculum. But if the students’ manual is still incomplete, the teacher must find a wider material so that participants have a broad understanding of the Al- Qur'an and Hadith subject. It is the teacher's strategies and creativity in developing and selecting materials. It’s impossible if students are only given monotonous material like what is in LKS. She must develop the material that has been provided so that students' knowledge goes wider and broader. However, if students do not understand the material then as an educator the teacher must explain repeatedly with patience.24 24 Hadijah, Kepala Madrasah, wawancara di ruangan kepala madrasah, pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2018 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al- Khairaat Biromaru is also very concerned about the quality of the material taught to students. It can be proved from the results of the interview above that the material presented to students must be in accordance with the specified standards and if the material there is still a lack of guidelines in the book so it is necessary to develop material in other books. In addition to the material, it is inseparable from the time in delivering the material, the very limited time becomes an internal obstacle in the learning activities. Judging from the importance of the Al-Qur'an and Hadith subject and the desired goal to be achieved, the time available is very less. The time given is only about 2 hours. As stated by one of the teachers as well as curriculum representatives in interviews conducted by researchers as follows: The time limitation in the learning process is an internal obstacle we face. The time used for the learning process of Al- Qur'an and Hadith 2 x 45 minutes per week, whereas when viewed in terms of the importance of the subject and the objectives of learning, the Qur'an and Hadith subject is very deep and requires a lot of practice”.25 A very important role is held by the family environment. The family is a major factor in shaping the child's personality. In the family, the child will be educated and guided according to the rules of the family itself. The child's 25 Rumi Darmita, WAKAMAD Kurikulum, wawancara di ruangan kepala madrasah, pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2018 e-ISSN: 2715-4572 p-ISSN: 2716-1439
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Education Vol . 2 No. 1
Tahun 2019 34 success is greatly influenced by their parents. Parents who always give full attention to their children will look different from parents who pay less attention to their children. As stated by one of the student representatives that: “Parents' attention to their children greatly influences the learning process in madrasas. For example, if students have family problem, they will become difficult to manage, they only want freedom, lack of enthusiasm for school, even always negligent or absent from school”.26 Finally, the school environment is also a determinant of student achievement. For example the selection and determination of media are not supported by the availability of needed tools. They are still limited and can not be used optimally. Also, the teacher himself is less familiar with the subject matter or does not have a variety of strategies resulted in boredom and unenthusiastic classroom. 5. Kesimpulan Based on the results of research conducted at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru, researchers can reveal the data obtained which is certainly in accordance with the problems that exist in the discussion of this thesis. After conducting the research, it can be stated that the strategies used in the learning process are playing videos, inviting to sing, question and answer and assigning tasks. This strategy, will make it easier 26 Umi Kalsum, WAKAMAD Kesiswaan, wawancara di ruangan wakamad pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2018 for students to accept the lessons delivered by the teacher so that learning achievement will increase. The media used in learning are in the form of cardboard paper written by the teacher that contains verses of the Qur'an and Hadith, and by showing videos related to the material. The obstacles that researchers found in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Al-Khairaat Biromaru are the lack of interest and awareness of students about the importance of Al-Qur'an and Hadith subjects, limited material, and limited availability of time. The solution offered to improve the achievements of students are conducting extracurricular programs and the madrasah must establish good relationships with government, social communities and especially to the students’ families. Related to the the less supportive infrastructures, teachers must be creative and have interesting strategy in delivering the material
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