Moderation religion in the era society 5.0 and multicultural society
Studies based on legal, religious, and social reviews
era Society 5.0, moderatio, multicultural society, religion, social reviewAbstract
The government is mainstreaming the strengthening of religious moderation (MB), which is one of the national priority programs. Religious moderation is a perspective, attitude, and practice of religion in common life, by embodying the essence of religious teachings that protect human dignity and build the common good, based on the principles of fairness, balance, and obeying the constitution as a national agreement. People need to know that religious moderation is a way together, religious people, to protect Indonesia. Of course, they do not want to suffer the fate of their brothers and sisters in a country where people's lives are chaotic, and even their country is threatened with disbandment, due to socio-political conflicts with different religious interpretations. Therefore, multicultural society must learn from existing experiences. The purpose of this study is to describe moderation in religion in the era of society 5.0 and multicultural society: studies based on legal, religious, and social reviews. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The approach used is a phenomenal approach, while the data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and distribution of questionnaires. Data is collected by collection and selection. The processed data is interpreted based on socio-multicultural techniques.
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